The original theory of stupidity states that stupidity (S), like gravity, is a constant in the universe. Like gravity, all objects possess S and its…
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Modern-Day Reconstruction
Published December 4, 2016
The Trump presidency (I want to spit blood whenever I put those words side-by-side) will be a brutal wake-up call for white people. They will…
Comments closedTrump Is No Hitler, But…
Published November 27, 2016
Donald Trump is no Adolf Hitler. Certainly there are similarities. They were obsessed with controlling their public image. They took great joy in affixing their…
2 CommentsHate Trumps Hate
Published November 25, 2016
Forget the “love Trump’s hate” nonsense. Stick with targeted hate. Keep that rage going. We’re heading straight into a civil war. This really is the…
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A Picture of the Future
Don’t waste your time dreaming about the electoral college overturning election results or that the Republicans will suddenly become worried about Russian influence. The Republicans…